
Big Brothers Big Sisters helps to shape kids’ futures

Big Brothers Big Sisters helps to shape kids’ futures

Mentoring Matters: Bridging the Gap for Madison's Youth

In the heart of Wisconsin, a city grapples with a concerning trend – the rise of youth-involved shootings. Amidst this challenge, a beacon of hope shines through the work of Big Brothers Big Sisters, a renowned mentorship organization dedicated to guiding young lives onto a positive path. As the demand for their services grows, the organization faces a critical shortage of volunteers, underscoring the urgent need for community engagement to support Madison's youth.

Empowering the Next Generation, One Mentor at a Time

Forging Meaningful Connections

Keeli Cotter and Marcia Doll's story exemplifies the transformative power of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program. For over a year, these two individuals have been working together, building a bond that transcends the traditional mentor-mentee relationship. Cotter, the mentee, expresses her genuine enthusiasm for the program, describing the fun and engaging activities she shares with her Big Sister, Doll."I really like volunteering. I think it is one of the best things you can do is helping others, and Big Brothers Big Sisters is such a great organization," Doll reflects, echoing the sentiment that the program benefits both the mentor and the mentee. Cotter's excitement is palpable as she recounts the joy of exploring new experiences with her Big Sister, highlighting the profound impact that a single individual can have on a young life.

Unmet Needs and Anxious Waits

However, not all youth in Madison have the opportunity to enjoy the support of a Big Brother or Big Sister. Cotter's own brother has been eagerly awaiting a match since November, with no success. The disappointment and anxiety he feels are palpable, as he repeatedly asks his mother, "Hey mom, can you email them? Have I got a big brother yet?"This unmet need underscores the growing demand for the Big Brothers Big Sisters program in Madison. As the city grapples with the rise in youth-involved shootings, the importance of providing positive role models and mentors becomes increasingly crucial. The organization's struggle to keep up with the demand highlights the urgent need for more volunteers to step forward and make a difference in the lives of these young individuals.

Addressing the Volunteer Shortage

The volunteer shortage faced by Big Brothers Big Sisters is not a new challenge, but it remains a pressing concern. In August 2023, Spectrum News reported on this issue, and the situation has yet to improve. Doll, a dedicated mentor, believes that the programs offered by the organization can play a vital role in keeping kids on the right path and out of trouble."I think anyone who does it will get more out of it than they realize," Doll says. "Not only are they helping a kid, but they are learning and growing from that experience." Her words underscore the mutual benefits of mentorship, where both the mentor and the mentee can experience personal growth and fulfillment.

Investing in the Future

The work of Big Brothers Big Sisters in Madison is not just about providing a temporary solution; it's about investing in the long-term well-being of the city's youth. By fostering meaningful connections between mentors and mentees, the organization aims to equip young individuals with the tools and support they need to navigate the challenges they face, ultimately empowering them to become positive contributors to their community.As the city grapples with the rise in youth-involved shootings, the role of mentorship programs like Big Brothers Big Sisters becomes increasingly crucial. By bridging the gap and providing a stable, supportive presence in the lives of these young people, the organization hopes to steer them away from harmful paths and towards a brighter future.The call for more volunteers is not just a practical necessity; it's a moral imperative. By answering this call, members of the Madison community can play a vital role in shaping the lives of the next generation, ensuring that every young person has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.
